After you got the e-mail informing whether you are convenient for being member, please pay the one year membership fee into the bank account written below;
(T.Vakıfbank IBAN : TR07 0001 5001 5800 7296 8556 62
Don't forget to type your name, surname and LIBARY MEMBERSHIP FEE in explanation note)
Payment process steps via Vakıfbank ATMs are:
- Go to cardless money transfer menu
- Type account number: 001 5800 7296 8556 62
- Type your identity number
- Type your phone number (optional)
- Confirm account number
- Type the amount and approve the process
- Type an explanation (after the process finished)
- Add the money to the ATM and APPROVE
- Get the printed receipt
If you prefer paying via EFT process, you must type "İTÜ Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı" as recipient name with beside the IBAN.
1 passport photo, 1 copy of your identity card and annual fee receipt must be submitted to the Card Processing Center by creating a help ticket after the Library Management's control (consult the Library Security Unit).
You can create the help ticket on