Organize and maintain the circulation of library materials in and outside of the library in order to facilitate education, research and scientific activity in the university while providing ground for the intellectual and personal growth of its users.
A. General Rules
ITU students, academic and administrative staff can borrow library materials by using their university ID cards.
Contract-based academic staff can borrow library materials by using their library cards which are provided to them by the Library.
Guest students can borrow library materials by using their university ID cards.
ITU students and staff are permitted to borrow library materials by their own ID cards.
The borrowing and renewal of library materials must be done by the relevant user him or herself, not by someone else. However, items may be returned to the Library by someone else.
ITU students and staff are required to present their ID cards at the Circulation Desk with the items they wish to borrow. If the user looses her ID or if the identity information of the user is changed, s/he has to inform the Library.
Incase the user has an overdue material or if the amount of fines accumulated for overdue books exceeds the maximum limit, no further borrowing is permitted.
Mustafa Inan Library works 7 days and 24 hours. Users in this library can borrow materials at any time.
B. Borrowing in Numbers
Patron Type |
Maximum # of Items to be Borrowed |
Books |
Multimedia Items |
Reserve Materials |
Inter Libary Loan Materials |
Music Scores |
Academic Staff |
30 |
30 |
3 |
3 |
10 |
10 |
Administrative Staff |
10 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
Graduate |
15 |
15 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
Undergraduate |
10 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
*Multimedia materials which are located at Centre for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) and Turkish Music State Conservatory cannot be borrowed.
*Maps are provided only to Academic Staff.
*The Department may change the loan period of frequently used publications. |
C. Loan Periods
Material Categories |
Loan Periods |
Books |
Academic Staff |
1 month |
4 renewal |
Administrative Staff |
1 month |
3 renewal |
Graduate |
15 days |
3 renewal |
Undergraduate |
15 days |
3 renewal |
Periodicals |
Can only be consulted in the Library |
Reference Materials |
Can only be consulted in the Library |
Reserve Materials |
Academic Staff |
2 hours / 1 semestre |
Renewal is not allowed |
Other Users |
2 hours / 1 day |
Renewal is not allowed |
Multimedia Materials |
Academic Staff |
3 days |
Renewal is not allowed |
Dissertations/Theses |
Can only be consulted in the Library |
Rare Books/Archival Copies/Art Collection/Maps |
Can only be consulted in the Library |
Music Scores (bound/urtext) |
Can only be consulted in the Library |
Music Scores |
7 days |
Renewal is not allowed |
*Directorate of Mustafa İnan Library can reduce the loan periods of high demand materials. |
D. Extension
You cannot renew an item unless half time of its loan period is over.
The material, which has not been "reserved" (hold) by another user may be extended online using "My Library Account" on the Library website.
ITU academic and administrative staff can extend their borrowed materiasl by calling: 0212 285 66 19
Users cannot renew the materials by e-mail.
Renewals will not be permitted if: Item is on hold for another member, Item is long overdue, Item has exceeded number of renewals allowed (In this case, the item is placed on the shelf for one day and then can be borrowed by the user again), Item has been recalled
E. Recalls
The user, whos has urgent need for an item which is currently on loan, can recall the item by contacting the Circulation Desk. ITU Libraries reserve the right to recall the borrowed material before its due date.
Upon receiving the email from the Library asking to return the recalled item earlier than its original due date, the user must return the item in 3 days.
F. Holds
The users can either place a hold on an item that is currently on loan or on an item which is kept in the hold shelfs of the Circulation Desk.
Placing a hold on an item can be done through
or in the Circulation Desk.
Please note that you cannot use the online hold function to place holds on books that are listed as "Available" in the library catalogue.
Placing a hold is not permitted in certain cases:
If the patron has outstanding fines,
If the patron has overdue items,
If the items borrowed by the patron have been recalled but are not returned.
The Library sends a notification when the requested item has returned to the library and becomes available. Incase the hold request is canceled, the Library sends a notification regarding the cancelation of hold.
"On hold" items will be kept for the patron up to 3 days at the hold shelf in the Circulation Desk. If the item is not collected in 3 days, it will be returned to the shelf or go to the next person requesting the item.
The maximum number of items to place a hold is equal to the maximum number of items that can be borrowed by the patron.
G. Notes
Books must be returned by the due time or the due date to the Library from which they were borrowed. Overdue books will incur fines. The Library sends below notices to the patrons alerting them for overdue books, reminder or hold availability:
Reminder Notice
(1) Users will receive a reminder e-mail three days before the due-date of an individual item.
(2) Reminder e-mail is not sent for the hourly borrowed books.
Overdue Notice
(1) The Library will notify readers by e-mail when materials are past due. First, second, third, fourth and the fifth overdue notices are sent to the reader successively after 1 , 3 , 7, 33 and 63 days following the due date of the item.
(2) Regarding the hourly borrowed items; the first and the second overdue notices are sent to the reader successively after 1 and 3 hours following the expiry of item’s returning date. The third, fourth and fifth overdue notices are sent to the reader successively after 1 , 2 and 5 days following the expiry of item’s returning date
Payment Notice
If the user did not return the library material after the 5th overdue notice, the bill including the fees to be paid will be sent to the user.
Hold Awaiting Notice
The Library sends a notification when the requested item has returned to the library and becomes available. Incase the hold request is canceled, the Library sends a notification regarding the cancelation of hold.
Recall Notice
If necessary, the Library can recall the borrowed material before its due date by sending an e-mail to the borrower.
All notifications are sent by e-mail to the readers. In case of any change within the personal information of the user, she/he must notify the Library at the circulation desks or send en e-mail to
The overdue notice is sent as a courtesy to remind borrowers of a missed due date; failure to receive a notice does not absolve a borrower of the responsibility to return or renew materials promptly.
H. Returns
Users are required to return library materials by the due time or the due date to the Library from which they were borrowed.
Overdue books will incur fines.
Users must return the borrowed items to the Library, where s/he has borrowed them.
I. Reserve Collection
Reserve materials are selected by faculty members and the library administration.
Reserve materials can be borrowed for 2 hours. Academic staff can borrow reserve materials during the whole semestre on the condition that the item is used as a course material.
ITU Library administration reserves the right to change loan durations of the reserve materials. For detailed information: Rezerv Service
J. Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary loan services are available for academic, administrative personnel, undergraduate and for postgraduate students. For detailed information: ILL Service
K. Regulations for the Use and Borrowing of Rare Books and Maps
Inheriting the heritage of Mühendishane (Imperial School of Engineering) Printing Press and the Library of Mühendis Mektebi (Ottoman School of Engineering), ITU Rare Books Collection comprises a primary resource for the study of history of science and technology in the Ottoman Empire and early Repuplican period of Turkey. For detailed information:click here.
L. Regulations for the Use and Borrowing of Archival Copies and Bookstacks Collection
For detailed information: visit the archival collections page.
M. Overdue Penalties and Fines
- The users of the Library are subject to fines for the late return of Library books and other materials.
- Fines are not applied to the items which are returned to the Library in 3 days following the due date of the material.
- Despite the overdue notices, if the the materials are not returned to the Library:
- The registration of the student is blocked through ITU Registrar’s Office.
- A written notice is sent to the department of the academic and administrative staff.
- If the ITU retiree does not return 2 of the items s/he has borrowed from the Library and does not pay the fines incurred on them, the membership of the retiree ill be canceled.
Users |
1 - 7 days |
8 days - ... |
All Users |
5 TL |
10 TL |
- The users will pay 2 TL per hour for each late returned reserve materials. Besides, the user will not be able to borrow library materials for 1 week.
N. Lost or Damaged Library Materials
The person borrrowing library materials is responsible for keeping them in good condition and returning them on time.
If you lose a library material, which is currently sold in the market;
a) The user should replace the actual item and pay for the processing fee.
If you lose a library material, which is not currently sold in the market;
a) The user should obtain an equivalent item to the lost one, which is determined by the Library administration in 30 days and pay for the processing fee.
The processing fee is 60 Turkish Liras.
If the lost item is not reported to the Library before its due date, late return charges will also incure.
If an item is returned in damaged condition, procedures regarding the lost materials will be applied.
Incase the user intentionally damages the Library material, a written notice is sent to the department of the academic and administrative staff. The users who have been charged disciplinary penalty, are restricted from borrowing services for 2 months.
If the users take the materials out of the Library without permission and receives a disciplinary penalty regarding their action in either the Faculty or the Institute disclinary committees, the borrowing privilegesof the user will be suspended for 2 months.
The fines are determined by the ITU Board of Rectorate upon the suggestion of the library administration. The user who disciplinary offence.
The Library administration can do adjustments regarding the fine policy of the library, if necessary.
Main Libary
Mustafa İnan Libary
Ayazağa Campus 34469 Maslak/İSTANBUL
Central : (0212) 285 30 13
Information Desk : (0212) 285 30 13 / 4121
Circulation Desk : (0212) 285 30 13 / 6619
Tel : (0212) 285 35 96
Faks : (0212) 285 33 02
E-mail : kutuphane [at]
E-mail (IT) : library-it [at]
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ratip Berker Library - Circulation Desk |
Maritime Faculty - Library Circulation Desk |
Tel : (0212) 293 13 00/2163 |
Tel : (0216) 395 10 64/1194 |
Faculty of Architecture Professor Doğan Kuban Library |
School of Foreign Languages – Library Circulation Desk |
Tel : (0212) 293 13 00/2346-2220 |
Tel : (0212) 293 13 00/2174 |
Faculty of Management – Library Circulation Desk |
Centre for Advanced Studies in Music – Library Circulation Desk |
Tel : (0212) 293 13 00/2024 |
Tel : (0212) 247 17 33/129 |
Turkish Music State Conservatory Ercümend Berker & Prof. Ş. Şehvar Beşiroğlu Library |
Tel : (0212) 293 13 00/2189 |