Use Of Carrels And Group Study Rooms Reserve Form

A. Carrels (Individual study rooms)

There are 21 carrels equipped for individual study on the second floor of the Library. These may be used by everyone. Carrels are individual study spaces. Therefore, you cannot bring additional chairs in the carrel spaces. For group studies, the hall of reserve materials can be used.

B. Group study rooms

On the second floor of the Library, there are 5 group study rooms each for 3 people.

  1. Group study rooms may be used by ITU faculty members and postgraduate students, by prior reservation.
  2. You can borrow the keys for the room in the Circulation Desk. ITU ID is required.
  3. The rooms are for 3 people and it is forbidden to bring extra chairs into the rooms.
  4. The carrels are available for 3 hours. 2 renewals can be made unless the room is reserved by someone else. Late returned keys cost 0,5 Kr per hour.
  5. You cannot have food in the study rooms. Smoking and mobile phones are forbidden.
  6. The user is responsible to keep the room clean and tidy and should leave the materials, which s/he had brought to the room, on the desks in the reading hall.

C. Meeting Rooms

Mustafa İnan Library has a meeting room for 22 people and a conference hall for 80 people.

  1. The meeting room and the conference hall may be used for viewing material from the Audio-Visual Centre as well as the other audio visual materials on the condition that the Library should be informed about the content of the material.
  2. Both rooms may be used by ITU members with prior reservation and by groups of 5 or more people.
  3. Reservation should be made at least 1 day before the event.
  4. Reservations can only be made ithin the month of reservation request.
  5. You cannot have food in the meeting rooms. Smoking and mobile phones are forbidden.

Contact Info For Reservatıon

Telephone 0 212 285 66 25
Faks 0 212 285 33 02